Mental Health Articles
Radical Acceptance by Karyn Hall, Phd
Dr. Hall said it best in her article "Radical acceptance is about accepting life on life’s terms and not resisting what you cannot or choose not to change. Radical acceptance is about saying yes to life, just as it is." She explains how you can change how you react to life and learn how to accept what you have no control over and to make changes to what you do have control over. This is a great practice if you have lost a love one (through death or separation), if you have anxiety, experienced a trauma, or struggle with boundaries and wanting other's to make changes to their lives.
Fair Fighting Rules for Couples by Nathan Cobb, Ph.D
This article focuses on how you can communicate better with your partner during an argument. Being in a relationship without arguments is unrealistic, it is an opportunity to build your team mindset if you do it respectfully and clearly. This is a wonderful article that explores how to do that.
The Tell Tale signs of Burnout... Do You Have Them? By Sherrie Bourg Carter Psy.D
In this article Dr. Bourg Carter walks you through what the initial signs of burnout are and what they can turn into if you do not deal with them and the situations that are causing the burnout.